cover georgia

Cover Georgia’s 2025 Advocacy Day: A Powerful Call for Change

On February 24, advocates from across Georgia came together at the State Capitol for Cover Georgia’s 2025 Advocacy Day. Their mission? To call on state leaders to take immediate action to close Georgia’s coverage gap and expand Medicaid. Throughout the morning, advocates learned about the impact of the coverage gap, gained advocacy skills, and met with legislators to share stories and push for change. The event concluded with a powerful group photo on the Capitol

Little boy raises fist in air in protest. Mixed race child political protester raising fist

Rooted in the Past, Fighting for the Future: Black-Led Movements and Health Care Access in Georgia

How Black-Led Movements of the Past Guide the Fight to Close Georgia’s Coverage Gap Imagine being turned away from a hospital, not because a doctor couldn’t help you, but because you couldn’t afford care. Imagine watching a loved one suffer through an illness, knowing that the treatment they need is just out of reach. For too many people in Georgia, this isn’t just a nightmare; it’s their reality. Right now, more than 400,000 Georgians are

Doing Nothing is Not an Option: Georgia Must Decide How to Move Forward After Key Decision from Biden Administration

Background: In 2019, Georgia submitted a plan to the Centers Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to expand Medicaid to a certain subset of Georgians. Under the plan, called the Georgia Pathways waiver, the state planned to allow individuals aged 19-64 making up to 100% of the federal poverty line (FPL) ($12,880 for an individual and $17,420 for a family of 2) to apply for Medicaid coverage. The Georgia Pathways plan also required these newly eligible

Celebrating Medicaid’s 56th Birthday with Schitt’s Creek gifs!

This month marks the 56th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing Medicaid and Medicare into law through the Social Security Act of 1965. Over the past five decades, Medicaid has become a bedrock of Georgia’s health care system, promoting the health and well-being of Georgians. Because of Medicaid, Georgians like Travis are afforded access to essential medical care and long-term health benefits. Today, let’s celebrate Medicaid and all it has done and continues to

CMS Requests More Information about Georgia’s Proposed Changes to Private Insurance

  Reposted from Georgians for a Healthy Future:   On June 3rd, 2021, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) sent a letter to Governor Kemp requesting additional data on the potential impacts of the Georgia Access Model. The Georgia Access Model was put forward by Kemp in his 1332 private insurance waiver, and the model would end access to for Georgia consumers.   CMS is requesting additional data from the state