Medicaid expansion

Action needed: Pathways Waiver Renewal Public Comment Opportunity

The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) has submitted a waiver extension request for the Pathways to Coverage program. The proposed changes still leave thousands of Georgians uninsured and without an option for health coverage, including: Pathways has struggled to meet its goals of meaningfully increasing access to care for low-income Georgians, enrolling only 6,500 participants in a year and a half. That is just 3% of those who would benefit from full Medicaid expansion.

Wooden blocks with health care icons

CHCC Meeting Recap: Framework for Exploring Coverage Solutions Introduced

On Thursday, November 14th, Georgia’s Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission (CHCC) held its 3rd meeting of the year. The CHCC was created by the Georgia legislature earlier this year to study the state’s health care coverage programs and identify opportunities to improve access and coverage for low-income and uninsured Georgians. The Commission is scheduled to deliver its initial report to the General Assembly on December 1st of this year. Missed the first 2 meetings? Catch up

A Medicaid move worth celebrating!

Medicaid has been a fundamental part of Georgia’s health care system for 54 years. Medicaid covers half of Georgia kids, half of births in the state, and three out of four Georgians in long-term care (like nursing homes). Without Medicaid, low-income Georgia families would have no access to affordable, quality health care.

Doing Nothing is Not an Option: Georgia Must Decide How to Move Forward After Key Decision from Biden Administration

Background: In 2019, Georgia submitted a plan to the Centers Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to expand Medicaid to a certain subset of Georgians. Under the plan, called the Georgia Pathways waiver, the state planned to allow individuals aged 19-64 making up to 100% of the federal poverty line (FPL) ($12,880 for an individual and $17,420 for a family of 2) to apply for Medicaid coverage. The Georgia Pathways plan also required these newly eligible

Celebrating Medicaid’s 56th Birthday with Schitt’s Creek gifs!

This month marks the 56th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson signing Medicaid and Medicare into law through the Social Security Act of 1965. Over the past five decades, Medicaid has become a bedrock of Georgia’s health care system, promoting the health and well-being of Georgians. Because of Medicaid, Georgians like Travis are afforded access to essential medical care and long-term health benefits. Today, let’s celebrate Medicaid and all it has done and continues to

Georgia’s Uninsured Workers Need Our Help

Georgia is one of 12 states that has not yet taken up Medicaid expansion, denying hundreds of thousands of working adults access to quality, affordable health care. If the state expanded Medicaid coverage, approximately 452,600 uninsured adults, or 39 percent of the state’s uninsured adult population, could gain health insurance. Thanks to a new report from our partners at Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, we know that 44 percent of those working without

New federal incentives make Medicaid expansion a deal too good to pass up

Our state leaders have a new opportunity to support the health of Georgians across the state! Under the recently passed American Rescue Plan, Georgia is eligible to receive a sizable financial payment for finally expanding Medicaid. Medicaid expansion would bring peace of mind to more than 500,000 adults with low incomes who are uninsured or struggling to afford health coverage. This is a deal too good to pass up!    Through the American Rescue Plan, Georgia is eligible to

Explained: Governor Kemp’s Plan to Change Medicaid in Georgia

In December 2019, Georgia’s Governor asked federal officials to approve changes to the state’s Medicaid program. Medicaid is a public health insurance program that currently covers half of Georgia’s children, some low-income seniors and people with disabilities, low- and moderate-income pregnant women, and very low-income parents.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) gave states the option to expand Medicaid to cover adults making slightly more than poverty-level wages (about $16,700 for an individual and $35,900 for

Risky Medicaid Proposal Hurtles through State Legislature

Risky Health Proposal Hurtles through Gold Dome Updated Mar. 25, 2019. Flawed legislation to expand access to health insurance is hurtling through the state legislature, and hundreds of thousands of uninsured Georgians are being left behind. Senate Bill 106, the Patients First Act, passed the Georgia Senate on Feb. 26 and advanced to the House. The proposal could expand health insurance coverage to more Georgians, though an arbitrary restriction in the bill is setting Georgia up