Cover Georgia, partners & you spoke up about new Pathways program

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Thank you for sharing your Pathways program experiences with state leaders!

On December 7th, the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) held a public forum about the Georgia Pathways to Coverage program. The forum included an opportunity for Georgians to provide feedback about the program.

About a dozen commenters shared stories and feedback with DCH leaders about the program. One commenter who has cancer described her attempt to try to get covered in Pathways. “I am unable to work due to my illness. This limits me being able to successfully enroll in the Pathways program due to the employment stipulation that this new Medicaid program has. The medications I need are very expensive and I am often not able to afford them due to not working and not having access to health coverage benefits.”

Knetta Adkins spoke on behalf of GHF, emphasizing that the program’s complexities are keeping eligible Georgians from gaining coverage, “We are disappointed that less than two percent (2%) of the 100,000 adults that DCH estimated may be eligible for Pathways coverage have been able to do so thus far.” GHF’s written comments are available here.

Some of you also shared verbal or written comments with DCH. Thank you! This feedback can help improve how the Pathways program works so that more Georgians get and stay covered. These comments also call attention to the Georgians left behind by the Pathways program and the continued need to expand Medicaid.

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