Cover Georgia Coalition Applauds New Health Coverage Commission Appointments

Statement from the Cover Georgia coalition:

The Cover Georgia coalition applauds the appointments made by Governor Kemp and legislative leaders to the Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission. Established by HB 1339, the Commission will spend the next 18 months advising state leaders and policy makers about issues related to access and quality of health care for low-income and uninsured Georgians.  The Cover Georgia coalition looks forward to the Commission’s work to study opportunities and find solutions that improve the health and well-being of all Georgians, particularly those with limited resources.

With such experienced and diverse members, the Cover Georgia coalition is confident that the Commission will carry out a community-driven process that engages the Georgians at the center of their charges.

“We stand ready to support the Commission in connecting with and hearing from low-income and uninsured individuals and families across the state through public-facing meetings and community input sessions,” said Georgians for a Healthy Future Executive Director Laura Colbert. “Hearing the voices of those directly impacted is an essential component of developing relevant findings and recommendations to share with state leaders.”

Through a community-focused process, Cover Georgia coalition partners anticipate that Commission members will hear from Georgians about one of the largest holes in Georgia’s health care system: the state’s health insurance coverage gap. This gap leaves thousands of low-income adults uninsured without any options for affordable, quality health coverage.

Closing Georgia’s coverage gap would enable nearly half a million uninsured and low-income adults to become newly insured so they can see a doctor when they’re sick and get medicines to help them get and stay healthy. Closing the gap is the most meaningful, affordable, and practical solution that the Commission could recommend state leaders take action on in the near term.

The Cover Georgia coalition is heartened by the opportunity that the Commission and its work present to work together towards a brighter future when all Georgians have quality, affordable health coverage and access to care. 

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